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PUA Wingman Blog

Social Vibing

What's it really all about in a conversation with a woman? Is it just what you say or also how you deliver it? Of course it is how deliver it and how you are in the conversation! Have you ever had it that you were together with a group of friends and that the atmosphere was so good that everythin...

What is the perfect opening line?

Hey players, what’s up? Today we’re going to discuss the perfect opening line. A lot of guys are looking for the perfect opening line like it were the holy grail. Like it were a magical phrase that ensures that all women immediatelly fall in love with him. Is there such a thing as a ma...

Keys to the VIP Exposed

Do you know ‘Key to the VIP’ and did you know you can learn a lot from it?This article you will find out what you can learn from this great TV show.What is the keys to the VIP?The Keys to the VIP is a Canadian game show in which four jury members evaluate the pickup skills of two partici...

Keep the Conversation Going

Have you ever experience this: You are talking to a nice girl and suddenly you do not know what to say. There is a horrible silence and conversation starts to slowly run dry until it is officially dead. Which is a shame because if she was a fun, interesting girl.What can you do?In this article I wil...

Positive Dominance

Positive dominance - what is it and why is it so important Positive dominance is something that women react to very strongly. It is truly magnetic to them. Comments such as "finally, a real man!”, and “how do you do that, why are you so good at picking up women?" are part of the reality...

You are the Prize

Picking up women is all about having the right attitude. So, you ask, what is the right attitude to pick-up women? What kind of attitude do women find attractive?The most important thing is to be confident about yourself. You are the prize! Women should be glad if they can spend a moment with you!In...

Believe in Yourself

You found this blog because you want to learn how to pick up beautiful women.I’m guessing you no longer want to be rejected but you also don’t want to end up in the friend zone: you just want success with hot women!However, we know becoming successful with women does not happen overnight...

Attraction and Evolution

Do you sometimes wonder why some men have many beautiful women in their lives?If a guy like that isn’t very good looking then you probably wonder how he does it! Let’s talk about about an explanation for this phenomenon...The answer, my friend, lies in evolutionary biology. The thing is,...

What is social status and how can you create it?

Social Status Social status is super important. When you have a low social status people are less likely to notice. This is especially true for women. The good news is, there are several ways to get a higher social status. Read on to find out what social status is and how you can improve yours. ...

Positive thinking: using brain knowledge

Positive thinking - how do you do it? Positive thinking, having control over your brain and your thinking - it sounds nice, but how do you do it? Let’s start with discussing the workings of the brain. Motivation and success in life have everything to do with knowing how your brain works and h...

Learn to be confident with women

Having and radiating self-confidence is perhaps the most important thing when it comes to picking up women.Do you want exude self-confidence with women?You may have heard all kinds of different theories about what women find attractive in a man but I have NEVER met a woman who doesn’t find a m...

3 second rule

The '3 second rule' is a rule for helping guys to approach people. When we are going out and we see a interesting person or group we have to act quickly before we tense up and lose our nerves. The 3 second rule is there to push you in the modus of action instead of waiting and thinking. Because the ...

Approaching women

Approaching women can be very difficult. Maybe you recognize the following? You are in a club, bar or a regular store while shopping and you see an incredible girl walking past. You want to approach her and talk to her but fear is taking over. What do I have to say? What if it isn't going well? App...

Direct Game

Direct game means that when you talk to a girl you immediately say what you want. You let her know what you intentions are. The cool thing about direct game is that it can save you a lot of time. Instead of talking for 20 minutes with at girl just to find out she is not that into you, you know it w...

Mixed Set With Alpha Cock Blocker

Talking to an mixed set (group of guys and girls together) might be scary and talking to girl only groups might look easier. But talking to mixed groups can work for you. An Alpha Cock Block is in most cases a guy who is going with a group of girls and he is acting like the Alpha male. When other g...
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